Jeni's XML Pages: Accessibility

I'm using these pages as a testbed and a demonstration of what you can do with web technologies like XML, XSLT, CSS and RDF. I'm trying hard to stick within these standards so that if your browser is compliant with these standards it will all work fine.

However, I admit this is a bit of a pipe dream. Browsers tend not to be compliant, tend not to implement everything and tend to interpret things very differently. So while my main browser is IE5, I've also tested the HTML + CSS used on these pages in Windows NT in Netscape 4.7 and Opera 3.61. If you can't view something in your browser, then do let me know; if it just looks a bit odd, then it's probably because I've had to reach some compromise to make it viewable in another browser.

I have tested the XML pages with MSXML July 2000 release and avoided using document() and key() in the hope that previous versions of MSXML might be able to handle it. If you're using IE and can't view the XML properly, I recommend you download the most recent version of MSXML from Microsoft. See the unofficial MSXML FAQ for more details. The HTML is all generated by SAXON from exactly the same source with the same stylesheet.

Please do let me know if there is anything you think I could do to make the site more accessible.

The Recommendations I used when creating these pages were:

/accessibility.xml by Jeni Tennison; generated using SAXON 5.4.1 from Michael Kay of ICL