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Class jQuery.rdf.literal

Represents an RDF literal.
Defined in: jquery.rdf.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
jQuery.rdf.literal(value, options)
Creates a new jQuery.rdf.literal object.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The datatype of the literal, if it has one; otherwise undefined.
The language of the literal, if it has one; otherwise undefined.
Always fixed to 'literal' for literals.
The value of the literal as a string.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns a RDF/JSON representation of this blank node.
Returns a string representing this resource in Turtle format.
Class Detail
jQuery.rdf.literal(value, options)

Creates a new jQuery.rdf.literal object. This should be invoked as a method rather than constructed using new; indeed you will not usually want to generate these objects directly, since they are automatically created from strings where necessary, such as by jQuery.rdf#add.

trueLiteral = $.rdf.literal(true);
numericLiteral = $.rdf.literal(5);
dateLiteral = $.rdf.literal('"2009-07-13"^^xsd:date', { namespaces: ns });
{String|boolean|Number} value
Either the value of the literal or a string representation of it. If the datatype or lang options are specified, the value is taken as given. Otherwise, if it's a Javascript boolean or numeric value, it is interpreted as a value with a xsd:boolean or xsd:double datatype. In all other cases it's interpreted as a literal as defined in Turtle syntax.
{Object} options Optional
Initialisation options for the literal.
{String} options.datatype Optional
The datatype for the literal. This should be a safe CURIE; in other words, it can be in the format uri or [curie]. Must not be specified if options.lang is also specified.
{String} options.lang Optional
The language for the literal. Must not be specified if options.datatype is also specified.
{Object} options.namespaces Optional
An object representing a set of namespace bindings used when interpreting a CURIE in the datatype.
{String|jQuery.uri} options.base Optional
The base URI used to interpret a relative URI in the datatype.
Errors if the string is not in a recognised format or if both options.datatype and options.lang are specified.
{jQuery.rdf.literal} The newly-created literal.
Field Detail
{jQuery.uri} datatype
The datatype of the literal, if it has one; otherwise undefined.

{String} lang
The language of the literal, if it has one; otherwise undefined.

{String} type
Always fixed to 'literal' for literals.

{String} value
The value of the literal as a string.
Method Detail
{Object} dump()
Returns a RDF/JSON representation of this blank node.

{String} toString()
Returns a string representing this resource in Turtle format.

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